As the main driving force behind the introduction of the Blu-ray format, you would expect Sony Blu-ray Players to lead the way in terms of functionality and performance. Despite some early hiccups with some of their models, the current crop of players we’ve seen from Sony are all straight from the top drawer. Sony have ensured that all their players, from the entry level models to the high end models, deliver stunning high definition performance and make full use of the formats capabilities so that you can be sure that when you buy a Sony Blu-ray Player, you are getting the ultimate in high definition home entertainment.
History of Sony Blu-ray Players
The first Sony Blu-ray players were very much work in progress models. As the Blu-ray specification changed, so the early models such as the BDP-S500 became quickly outdated, which proved to be an expensive and somewhat annoying consequence for the early adopters of the format. One of the pioneering players of Blu-ray though happened to be the humble PlayStation 3 games console. This took full advantage of it’s online firmware updates to keep the console as one of the most futureproof and feature rich on the market at the time. The Playstation 3 is still a well respected player even a few years later, but it has been surpassed now in terms of usability and performance both by the other Sony Blu-ray players, and the players from the other big brands. Sonys latest range of Blu-ray players now not only are fully up to date with the latest profiles, and new features like built in wireless connectivity and quick start modes, but they also have a selection of 3D ready players available so you can enjoy pictures that not only are amazing quality, but that also jump out of the screen at you!
What to consider before you buy…
The obvious ambien online order thing to be aware of is the cost of the players – being a premium brand does often mean premium prices, but choose carefully from within their range, and you’ll find some real value for money machines.
Why buy a Sony Blu-ray Player?
In terms of features, Sony are right up there with the best players available. The styling of the players is also something that is quite unique to the brand. Recent years have seem some stunning players produced across all brands, but a good proportion of the best ones have been from Sony. Finally, the quality of the mass produced players may not quite be what it was in the 1970’s and 1980’s, but Sony are among the better finished players on the market today.