Sony BDP-S360 Blu-ray Player Deals

Sony BDP-S360 Blu-ray PlayerThe Sony BDP-S360 is definitely one of the favourite Blu-ray players around at the moment, and with its smart looks and brand credentials it’s not hard to see why.

But even so, retailers are still offering some fantastic deals in the run up to Christmas. We’ve seen online prices for this player tumble from their starting points of around £160 in August, right down to their current best price of £119 at John Lewis at the moment.

If you are in the market for a Blu-ray player right now, whether it is your first, an additional player for another room, or as a gift for someone this Christmas, the Sony BDP-S360 makes a fine and good quality choice, and with prices this good, it won’t break the bank either.

For more information on the Sony BDP-S360 and to compare the best prices currently available read our review »

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