Enjoy the FIFA World Cup in HD

Enjoy the FIFA World Cup in HDAs we come to the half way point of the FIFA World Cup, we’ve been lucky to see some fab goals, some shocking red cards, some great performances and some pretty dire ones as well. But one thing is clear – the games are far superior in HD.

As I type this I’m watching Greece v Argentina on the BBC HD channel, and every now again I’m switching over to BBC 3 to see how Nigeria and South Korea are getting on and it’s like switching back to the past! You know how all the World Cup programs show the glorious past performances of the teams – television coverage from the 70’s and 80’s when shorts were shorter and televisions were curvier? Well that is what it seems like when switching between high definition and standard definition – going back to the past.

If you don’t already have HD it’s really not too late to start enjoying the benefits – Sky will install you an HD box in a matter of days. Or if you don’t want to pay subscription charges, you can go for a Freesat HD box if you already have a satelite dish or one of the new Freeview HD boxes if you don’t.

I don’t watch much football on tv normally, but if this World Cup has taught me anything, it that footie is soooo much better in HD.


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