Any movie is made better in a warm and cosy environment, but with heating bills on the rise, some of us may have to resort to desperate measures to keep our bills down.
Dixons Disappears from the Virtual High Street
Whether you loved them or loathed them, there is no doubt that most of us had an opinion one way or another on the famous Dixons brand.
Should you choose service or price?
Although buying a home cinema system isn’t the biggest purchase you’ll ever make, they can be expensive. This makes shopping around for the best deal important – so do you choose the best price, or the best service?
Top 10 Films for Easter
What better way to enjoy the Easter break than snuggling up and sticking on a few films on the home cinema?
Netflix movie service comes to the UK
Earlier this year, the popular US-based video streaming provider Netflix, landed in the UK, but can it make a dent on the big players?
How Things Have Changed
In real life terms 10 years is not very long but when it comes to technology it is a life time, and if we look back, we start to see just how far things have come…
Our thoughts on Cinema Paradiso
The online DVD and Blu-ray rental market is dominated by Blockbuster and Lovefilm, but another long standing rental company, Cinema Paradiso, is also giving them a bit of a run for their money.
Home Cinema Choice Magazine Under New Management
There was good news for AV fans as it was announced that Home Cinema Choice will continue to provide news and articles, following it’s sale to MyHobbyStore.
The Essential Home Cinema Accessory?
The latest essential home cinema device has just arrived at Home Cinema Buyer towers, and we’ve had great pleasure giving it the once over.
What snacks and drinks do you enjoy with a movie?
Can a cup of tea and a nice biscuit really be better than popcorn and cola as your movie refreshments?! DJ Trevor Nelson thinks they might be…