You’ve bought the popcorn, you’ve chosen the perfect movie, but when you press play something just isn’t quite right. Watching a film on your smudged laptop screen is simply not magical enough for the cinematic experience this film deserves. Why not enhance your life by creating your very own big screen home (or even open air) cinema?
While it may seem like a slightly daunting task, a home cinema couldn’t be easier to achieve. All you require are some surround sound speakers, a projector, a large white object to show your film on, a HDMI cable and a laptop with a HDMI port (thankfully, these tend to come as standard now).
The most vital factor to consider is where you would like to project your film. A pale wall would be ideal here, but you can just as easily hang a white sheet or use a projector screen. A projector screen has the additional benefit of allowing you to not rely on the structure of your house for your viewing location. If you wish to make use of the ambient summer weather, positioning your screen outside could allow for an incredible night time viewing experience under the stars. This open air home cinema lends itself particularly well to big Hollywood blockbusters and classics such as E.T. and Star Wars.
Once you’ve chosen your location, setting up your home cinema takes only five minutes. Arrange your seating and lay out your movie snacks and drinks first; it is much easier to set up your technology around yourself rather than risk knocking into wires and speakers later on as you adjust furniture and gather nachos.
All you have to do then is set up your projector and laptop behind your seating arrangement on a secure table or stand. It is vitally important to check that the projected image fits comfortably onto your wall, sheet or screen, and that your view will not be impaired by the silhouettes of viewers.
The next step is to arrange your speakers appropriately around the room and viewers. It may also be advisable to adjust the sound of your speakers according to the style of film ahead of time. This would prevent searching for the remote control or correct button during the screening. Don’t forget to connect your speakers with your laptop or projector.
Finally, link your laptop to your projector with a HDMI cable and insert your choice of DVD into your laptop or choose a movie via an online streaming service. All that’s left is to sit back, relax, and enjoy your personal cinema experience. It really could not be easier to achieve.
This will be a nice little home theatre setup. However if you really want to taste a luxury home cinema, then you will need a dedicated room specially built for the cinema. Surround sound system, mood lighting, professional projection (probably Sony VPL projectors), carefully chosen projector screen and special seating. That will be a proper home cinema.